In recent months, BlockFills has seen increasing interest in the idea that a decentralized financial system will eventually replace the traditional financial system. Although we believe this ideology is an exaggerated view on the trajectory of defi, there is something to be said for the trend amongst traditional financial institutions beginning to explore and implement infrastructure that will enable such institutions to make digital assets and related products available to their clients. 

BlockFills is an ardent supporter of the global adoption of digital assets. 

We believe bridging traditional and decentralized financial systems to work in unison, rather than pitting them against each other sparks innovation, advances the quality of educational material made available to end-users, and encourages the proliferation of digital assets and related products into global economies. Our perspective and position in the market has enabled BlockFills to expand our service offerings as well as our product breadth and depth, welcoming participants who otherwise would not have access to the products, services, and support, to seamlessly enter the space.  

The belief in the importance of bridging the gap between centralized and decentralized finance has positioned BlockFills to expand and enhance our product offerings and services. Enter Vision Crypto Cloud, the secure, full-service, end-to-end digital asset trading, order management, & risk management solution. Designed by experienced, battle-tested tradfi veterans, Vision Crypto Cloud welcomes institutional participants into the digital assets marketplace with ease, featuring:

Vision TraderUnparalleled multi-asset trading and admin platform available to BlockFills clients at no cost and for white labeling.

Vision Core OMS: The all-encompassing order management system for orders, executions, voice deals, settlements, client assets, positions and more.

White Label Opportunity: The Vision Crypto Cloud suite is available for white label, eliminating the “build or buy” dilemma and is ready for your company to use in weeks.



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