Written by Clearpool

Clearpool is pleased to announce a new borrower — BlockFills, a global crypto trading solutions and financial technology firm, serving over 1400 institutional clients in over 75 countries.

BlockFills has launched a Credit Vault on Avalanche.

About BlockFills’s Credit Vault

APY: 12% USDC + AVAX rewards

Repayment Frequency: 30 days

Min Withdrawal Notice: 7 days

Min Deposit: 50,000 USDC

Learn more about BlockFills

We interviewed the BlockFills team for the benefit of the Clearpool community. Read the borrower profile below to learn more.

Can you tell us about BlockFills and its history?

Founded in 2018, BlockFills has propelled itself to be one of the fastest-growing crypto liquidity and technology providers globally. They are poised to further their position as an asset to their 1400+ institutional clients across 75+ countries, in arming their patrons with the tech, risk mitigation, deep liquidity, 24/7 market-access, and white glove support they need to safely launch or scale their digital asset business.

The Company has successfully built and deployed a cutting-edge multi-asset technology platform that has solved major liquidity fragmentation problems in the marketplace. The platform provides price discovery and aggregation, electronic order matching, smart order routing, and trade reconciliation solutions for institutions in the digital spot, derivatives, and lending markets. In addition, BlockFills provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions designed to simplify all aspects of the trade lifecycle for institutions in the space.

  • 40+ Employees
  • 40+ Investors
  • 40+ Connections
  • 5 Global Locations: Chicago, Austin, New York / New Jersey, London, São Paulo

What is BlockFills’ trading strategy?

BlockFills trades with clients on an agency-based model. We do not warehouse risk, instead laying it off on the market after trades are made with the client, allowing us to capture a spread on every transaction.

Why does BlockFills want to borrow capital right now, and what will you use the funds for?

BlockFills is looking to borrow funds in order to enhance and expand our trading business. Additional funds will allow us to extend credit lines for current active trading clients as well as bring in onboard more trading clients.

Why is BlockFills interested in borrowing from Clearpool’s protocol compared to other options?

Being a part of the crypto community, BlockFills strives to operate our business onchain as much as possible. Clearpool’s dedication to offering trustworthy smart contracts and its large network and userbase draw us towards the protocol.

What size does BlockFills typically borrow and seek to borrow on Clearpool?

BlockFills typically borrows between $1M-$5M and seeks to borrow $1M on Clearpool.

Why should our community lend to BlockFills?

BlockFills is a responsible and trustworthy counterparty led by capital market veterans who have successfully navigated levels of extreme volatility and bear market downturns in both the digital and traditional assets sectors. Our leadership, paired with our team’s deep understanding and dedication to risk management, equipped BlockFills to continue to operate seamlessly while capturing market share and growth during the industry’s most challenging times.

What are some of the risk management strategies in place to ensure lenders’ funds are not misused?

BlockFills currently operates its spot liquidity pool on a pure agency model, meaning BlockFills never takes any risk on a trade. BlockFills back-to-backs ALL trades with its counterparties. The company has internal risk thresholds and controls to effectively monitor and manage exposure across liquidity venues.

Risk management is dynamic and internal rules evolve daily. We have robust policies and risk parameters set by our Risk Committee. Day-to-day risk is managed by the traders and back office but under guidelines set by the Risk Committee in consideration of the firm’s overall tolerance for risk. Since we do not take principal risk our rules will be designed to ensure that all of our executions are 100% fully hedged.

Do you provide other services or have additional business lines besides market-making?

BlockFills is a boutique, consultative fintech and trading firm, specializing in spot crypto, derivatives*, lending, liquidity, and innovative structured products* in addition to market-making.

BlockFills offers an abundance of trading resources, services, and customizable products for institutions participating in the digital asset space including our world-class SaaS solutions, market-leading electronic trading venue, best-in-class API, and industry-leading liquidity provision which are the foundations of the highly bespoke trading experiences available to BlockFills clients.

In addition to our core offerings, we own and operate a comprehensive mining operation spanning multiple sites, leveraging over 8,000 machines. BlockFills also extends mining pools, bespoke execution, same-day fiat transfers, and collateralized lending services to enterprise-level miners, serving as the bedrock of their operations.

What does the future hold for your firm? Where do you see it one-three years from now?

Over the next 1–3 years, BlockFills anticipates significant growth and evolution within the industry, fueled by favorable market conditions and strategic initiatives. We aim to expand our global market presence, solidifying our position as a leading liquidity provider and trading platform across multiple regions. This expansion entails entering new markets, forging strategic partnerships with exchanges and financial institutions, and tailoring our services and products to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

As part of our global expansion, we will diversify our product offerings, particularly by introducing new cryptocurrency pairs and assets tied to altcoins. Obtaining new regulatory licenses will enable us to broaden our service offerings, such as venturing into perpetual futures and FX business in the UK. Additionally, we plan to introduce innovative financial products like derivatives, lending, staking, and yield-generating solutions, aligning with emerging trends and evolving client demands.

As institutional adoption of digital assets grows, BlockFills is committed to strengthening our relationships with institutional clients, including hedge funds, asset managers, and family offices. We will provide tailored solutions for institutional investors, such as custody services, OTC trading desks, and white-label trading platforms.

In the next one to three years, BlockFills has the potential to emerge as a key player in the digital asset ecosystem, driving innovation, fostering liquidity, and facilitating the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based financial services. However, achieving our ambitious goals requires additional capital resources to support our expansion initiatives.

Are there any media you would like to share with our community?


How can Poolsiders’ community keep up to date with BlockFills?

Website: Crypto Trading Solutions and Technology | BlockFills
Newsletter/Contact: Contact Our Crypto Trading & Tech Experts | BlockFills
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/blockfills
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockfills/

Want to Lend to BlockFills?

Click here to visit their Credit Vault on the Clearpool app.


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